I joined Jetking as we all know that Jetking is no. 1 in India - Prabhat Sharma from Jetking Vikaspuri

Here is The Success Story of Prabhat Sharma, Alumni of Jetking Vikaspuri I joined Jetking as we all know that Jetking is no. 1 in India - Prabhat Sharma from Jetking Vikaspuri Q1. Hi Prabhat Sharma, Let our readers know, your qualifications, your Age at present, and also, your current work details. Ans. Prabhat Sharma 26 works with Simulation Company Applied Research international Pvt. Ltd. Salary package 7.5 LPA. Q2. Do let us know your job profile in detail? Ans. We are making Simulators for training purposes like Naval Ship, Armor, Defence, Crane, Safety in other sectors. I have to work on the hardware part in the same, like installation of computers and provide advance detailing in computers with graphic configuration, Provide support to clients and manage all over the IT related Issues Installation servers, CCTV, Firewall, users support, AI, DI, AO, DO and lots of things. Q3. Why and when did you step into computer and networking decisively, why Jetking Vikasp...